Year 11 and 12
The students moving into the senior school will be offered a broad and balanced curriculum to enable them to reach their full potential and meet the demands of the Entitlement Framework (EF).
The EF within special schools means our students can benefit in the same way as their peers in mainstream schools.
The courses we offer provide fully accredited qualifications with the focus on progression pathways as the students move into Post 16 or into external training services at the end of year 12.
- School based learning consists of accreditation from Entry level 1 to Level 1 in:
- AQA ELC Maths
- CCEA English
- CCEA History
- Edexcel Science
- CCEA Occupational Studies - 1. Leadership in Sport 2. Running an Event
The Inclusion Project
This year, for the first time, we have secured funding to deliver a unique and exciting opportunity to a selected group of pupils within the Key Stage.
This will involve working with Glenparent Youth Club, based on the Suffolk Road.
The pupils will be given the chance to develop their social skills and complete an accredited course in ICT.
To date this project has been a resounding success and we are hopeful that this will continue next year and beyond as our students further develop their social skills in an excellent, welcoming and comfortable environment.
Vocational Subjects
Vocational accreditation will be completed in conjunction with Workforce Training Services
Vocational courses offered are CCEA Occupational Studies:
Hair and Beauty Therapy
Students travel to the various Workforce facilities to avail of these classes and again are exposed to working with adults from outside the school environment affording them the opportunity to enhance their confidence and social skills.
The School Bank
In KS4 the pupils are encouraged to become involved in the process of applying for a job within the school bank, which is run in conjunction with the Bank of Ireland.
This year 36 of our students applied for the various roles in the bank team. All of these students were then interviewed by the Bank of Ireland staff and 8 of the applicants were successful and were offered a job on the team.
The school bank has been operating since December 2016 and will continue to allow the pupils to save their money in their personal account over the remainder of the year.